Following The Evidence #122

God deals in absolutes. Absolutes make us understand where we stand. Sin resulting in death is an absolute. Is that harsh? Does God mean what he says? Ask Adam and Eve, Cain, Lot’s wife, Saul, Uzzah, Nadab and Abihu, Naaman, Ananias and Saphira and a plethora of others. The command to repent and be baptised is not to be taken lightly. When God says, “I love you and am not willing to give you up,” does He mean it? There are countless verses in the Old and New Testaments to attest to this fact. Does He mean it? The incarnation (birth), a life of rejection, agony, the garden of Gethsemane, the humiliation, the spitting, the flogging, the buffeting, the shame of the cross, and the separation from the Father. The cross stands supreme as a demonstration of God’s love. That He means it when He says He loves us with an unfailing Love. Six hours of hell on the cross prove that it is so. Is God serious about sin and its end. Is there to be a destruction of inequity? Yes, the curtain will fall on this planet’s rebellion. Does he love you? You’d better believe it! Your eternal destiny hangs on it!

We have been discussing lies that our modern culture tells about God. Don’t believe the lie that there are many paths that lead to God. There is only one! Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6). If Jesus is who He claimed to be – which we have established quite conclusively, then we need to take the claim seriously. Scripture declares that entrance into the presence of God is mediated. We need someone to represent our interests. If you want to go and see our prime minister you need someone on the inside track to make a connection. This why there are not many ways to God because only one person meets the requirements as a mediator. Only one person can be our substitute for a broken law. Justice requires payment and He is the only way.

God has provided only one way, just as he did with Abel and Cain. This story demonstrates that there are some ‘gifts’ He does not accept! For example, He did not accept the gift of Cain’s sincerity. Similarly, God does not accept the gift of service (read the chilling words in Matt 7:21-24). God does not owe us eternal life for good works. He also does not accept the gift of our own spiritual quest. Neither does He accept the gift of guilt and self-punishment. The sacrifice must be equal to the offense committed. Only He can supply the perfect sacrifice that He demands.
In conclusion, don’t believe the lie that God can be whatever you want, or that you can approach God any other way than through a mediator as provided in Jesus. There are not many roads to God, there is only one way and we do not need a way to the way. Jesus is the way. Trust in Him.
There are two more big lies that are told about God.

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