Following The Evidence #125

While on earth, Jesus demonstrated that He rules nature. So, what about the devil? We are told that he is “the commander of the powers in the unseen world” (Ephesians 2:2 NLT). Scripture also tells us that he wreaks havoc. For example, in the story of Job satan caused all his calamities. Does this mean that God has relegated calamities to a hapless archrival? Even the devil is God’s devil, because it was He who allowed the devil’s rebellion to continue. Remember that cosmic rebellion is being unfolded before a watching universe. If God permits disasters, He could also choose not to permit them. What can we say then? It must be that they demonstrate that they fit within the boundaries of providence.

Remember when we talked about the Hebrew Sanctuary Service and how it demonstrated the two sides to God’s character: His justice and his unfailing love. Is it any wonder then that nature demonstrates the same thing? “The heavens declare the glory of God” is the positive side, but nature also reveals another side, His judgments. Nature gives us the same balanced picture of God that scripture does. Nature is God’s second book! In the preceding week we saw that we must see God as He has chosen to reveal himself in the Bible. Now we must add to that His second book, nature.

I remember the story of a little girl. In a thunderstorm her father became concerned that she might be afraid and so he rushed up to her room, only to find her spread-eagled on the window. When he said, “Emily what are you doing?” to which she replied, “Daddy, I think God is trying to take my picture!” Somehow, she knew that God was out there in the storm. God has allowed us and the watching universe to experience the results of sin and rebellion. First the devil, then 1/3rd of the angels, then this world, chose the path that we are now travelling. For the sake of harmony and the wellbeing of the universe, God has allowed all those in “the heavens” (Revelation 12:12) to see the result of our chosen path.

Remember again the Sanctuary service and how on the Day of Atonement there were two items of furniture that came together in one ceremony; the alter of sacrifice and the ark of the covenant. Both symbolized his justice and his forgiveness. Something else about that day fits here. There were two goats. The Lord’s goat became a sacrifice for sin while the second, called the scapegoat, was not sacrificed but left chained in the wilderness to die. This represented the devil (c.f. Rev 20:1-3). While he makes no atonement, he must ultimately bare the blame for sin and suffering.

But wait a moment! Who sent the flood in the days of Noah? Who sent the plagues in Egypt? Who parted the red sea that destroyed the Egyptian arm? Who caused the drought in the days of Elijah? Who raised the storm against Jonah? Who made the earthquake that swallowed the sons of Korah? Have you ever thought that Job’s children died, not because they were bad, but because God wanted to test their father? Did God know Adam and Eve would rebel? Of course, He did! If this world is the “theatre of the universe” then are we a demonstration of the extent of lucifer’s rebellion? Are you struggling with all this? Me too! But it is the truth. Stay with me on this.

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