Following The Evidence #126

Originally nature was given to man to subdue (Gen 1:28). After the ‘fall’ humanity had to strive against nature with its thorns, thistles, weeds, and the whims of weather. Adam and his decedents would now earn a living from painful toil and sweat, and we will continue to strive against nature to the very end. As avid gardeners, my wife and I constantly battle the curse of Genesis 3. The laws of nature take their course and we stave of death as long as possible through diet, hygiene, exercise, medicine, and technology, but eventually we are overcome by its power. Yet, in the end we win because Christ came to conquer death and decay. That is why our ‘Evidence for The Resurrection’ was so important.

A 10-year-old boy was to choose a puppy for his birthday. As he looked them over, he finally declared, “I want the one with the happy ending.” (a wagging tail.) This world’s history, for all its woe, will have a happy ending. God now uses nature to bless and to challenge us, to both feed and instruct us. Can we therefore charge God with evil? Remember, God did not make lucifer choose the path he took. Adam and Eve made their own choice also. We like to think God is in control of the positive side of nature, but God is in control totally. Nature both blesses and curses. Nature exists to instruct us and help us understand God better. Yes, the starry heavens reflect the glory of God. Calm winds and sunshine are like the mercy of God. Upheavals are like the judgments of God. The apostle Paul said, “Notice how God is both kind and severe. He is severe toward those who disobeyed, but kind to you if you continue to trust in his kindness. But if you stop trusting, you also will be cut off.” (Romans 11:22 NLT). We should not be surprised that nature is both kind and stern, because this is the revelation that God has given of himself in the Bible.

But how can God be good when He permits things that seem to be so destructive and hurtful to humans? Firstly, God plays to a different set of rules. Through Isaiah He said,” My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” Isa 55:8-9(NLT). Corrie Ten Boon once said, ”Don’t bother giving God instructions, just turn up for duty.” Secondly, rewards and punishments are not given in this life. The Bible teaches that even the righteous (God’s people) suffer. In fact, history records that they have often suffered more. Remember, God acts from the standpoint of eternity rather than time. He makes decisions from and infinite perspective, while we view things from the standpoint of time. God sees the vast panorama of eternity; we see a speck. As Paul says, “We look through a glass darkly.” If things are not looking good for you right now, understand that true faith is trusting God with the final outcome.

  • Patricia Falanga
    Posted at 09:46h, 04 February Reply

    Beneath this marbled dome of sky and cloud
    Wherein my little life is staged and set
    And circumscribed from cradle to the shroud,
    I recognise mortality
    And contemplate eternity
    While outside lies infinity.

    • Ross Chadwick
      Posted at 13:47h, 10 February Reply

      Very Good

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