06 Sep Following The Evidence #44
Nineveh, Babylon and Tyre all had the proclamation “never rebuilt, never inhabited again. In Contrast during its long history, Jerusalem has been attacked 52 times, captured and recaptured 44 times, besieged 23 times, and destroyed twice. The oldest part of the city was settled in the 4th millennium BC, making Jerusalem one of the oldest cities in the world. The Temple and walls were destroyed in 586 BC by Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon, when he conquered Jerusalem for the third time. In April 70 AD, about the time of Passover, the Roman general Titus (the emperors Vespasian’s son) besieged Jerusalem.
They encircled the city with a wall to cut off supplies to the city completely and thereby drive the Jews to starvation. Jesus’ prophecy concerning the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in particular, where He said, “not one stone would be left on another,” (Matt.24:2) did not carry any comment about the city never being rebuilt. Jerusalem stands today!
There is much more “evidence” to come but let me pause and reflect on our journey thus far, because the only way to answer the question of God’s existence is through approaching the search as an honest inquirer. If we try and trust in our own sensory perceptions, reason, intuition, feelings, or experience to discover the truth, it will end in our own opinion, not Truth.
I am trying to establish a framework of certainty that can be found when predicted historical events defy extremely low probabilities. The question of God’s existence is most clearly revealed when He can pass the tests of probability for predicted major world events. The fulfilment of those predictions rules out the possibility that the fulfilments are mere chance.
As we reflect upon some of the examples, we have looked at so far, including the scientific ones like the fine-tuned universe or the probability of the universe appearing by chance processes, and the spontaneous formation of just one cell – all of these cannot be explained away by blind chance processes. Atheists, agnostics, evolutionists, and believers alike cannot prove their existence. The reality is that everyone operates on some level of faith – faith in chance or faith in God. Faith requires a choice. The weight of evidence that has been provided so far (there is more to come) points decisively to God existing.
Unlike the Bible, when the test of probability is applied to the other major world religions and philosophies, we find them unable to pass the test. However, repeatedly, the Bible demonstrates itself as a reliable source of truth. This demonstration gives clear evidence that the God of the Bible is the only true God.
The apostle Peter told us long ago that the prophetic words are vastly more certain and trustworthy than miraculous or personal experiences which are highly subjective. (2Peter1:19). So, what will it be for you? With the weight of evidence so strong (and the best is yet to come), what will you do? Why not fully yield to the God of the Bible? God pursues a relationship with you. He is offering you, as a gift, eternal life and a place in the earth made new.
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