Following The Evidence #51

Prior to the discovery of the Rosetta stone in 1799, and its subsequent deciphering of Egyptian hieroglyphics, some scholars used to say the Hittites were fictitious because they were only mentioned in the Bible. The Rosetta stone blew that myth away. Written in 3 languages it gave scholars the key to understanding Egyptian Hieroglyphs. Egyptian monuments contained well documented accounts of Battles with the Hittites. It was later discovered that the Hittites were a huge empire in the north, where Turkey is today. The former capital of the Hittite empire (Hatussa) was discovered and began to be excavated in 1986.  The excavation site of Hattusa is located 150 kilometres east of Ankara. Until the discovery of the Rosetta stone the Hittites were thought to be only a legend mentioned in the Bible.

Abraham was also said to be a legend until Ur of the Chaldees was discovered, in Southern Iraq in 1862 by Henry Rawlinson. In 1922, Leonard Woolley began to excavate the site and identified it as a Sumerian archaeological site where the Chaldeans settled around the 9th century BC. There are now many artefacts from this site in the British museum. From the beginning, Ur was an important trade centre owing to its location at a pivotal point where the Tigris and Euphrates run into the Persian Gulf. Although Ur was once a coastal city near the mouth of the Euphrates on the Persian Gulf, the coastline has shifted and the city is now well inland, on the south bank of the Euphrates, 16 kilometres from Nasiriyah in modern-day Iraq. Once again, archaeology has vindicated the stories of the Bible.

The story of Belshazzar in the book of Daniel was thought to be a myth, until the discovery of the Nabonidus Cylinder. This clay cylinder with a cuneiform inscription, found in Ur near the Euphrates River in 1854, was one of the most important discoveries in Biblical archaeology. It vindicated the attacks on the book of Daniel about Belshazzar being a biblical invention. Archaeology has also found evidence of King David, Pontius Pilate, Joseph in Egypt and many other things beside.

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