08 Sep Following The Evidence #58
In Revelation 12, 4 names are attributed to the devil. They are the dragon, the serpent, the devil and satan. Verses 3-4 had already told us that one third of the angels had side with lucifer’s rebellion. Jesus, in John 8:44, had told us that satan was the father of lies, so evidently this was a war of words and ideologies rather that a physical war.
Ezekial 28:12-14 gives us insight into what happened to the angel who had been created perfect from the beginning. Lucifer was a beautiful angel, created perfect in all his ways. He was the angel who stood next to God as a covering cherub. Lucifer held an exalted position in heaven. He was not content being next to God. HE WANTED TO BE GOD! Something happened to Lucifer and to his close relationship with God. Notice what God said to lucifer in Ezek28:17 – was corrupted by his beauty and wisdom (intelligence). Isaiah 14: 12-14 adds another dimension about lucifer; he wanted to be as God.
This beautiful, exalted angel became self-centred. He coveted the glory and homage due God alone. He was power hungry. He had the boldness to challenge his Creator for the rulership of the universe! Listen carefully as we notice how this desire was demonstrated to Jesus in Matt 4:5-7. “And he led Him up and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said to Him, “I will give You all this domain and its glory, for it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I want. Therefore, if You worship before me, it shall all be Yours.” Evidently the devil wanted to be worshipped as God.
In heaven before the creation of this world It wasn’t long before lucifer began to spread the spirit of discontent among the other angels. Slowly but surely, he undermined God’s love and justice.
That is why, when teaching in the temple Jesus said lucifer was a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44). Like rotten fruit in a box, his rebellion and ambition had spread to other angels in heaven. But why didn’t God destroy Satan at that time. God could have eliminated lucifer and the angels who joined his revolution in one blinding flash, but had He done so, all His creatures would have served Him out of doubt and fear.
Why Didn’t God Destroy Lucifer and His Rebellion? Let’s suppose God took away our freedom of choice and made us all robots and you were programmed to do everything He said. What would you lose? Your free will to choose. Even the devil and those who rebelled with him in the beginning had a free will. God is a God of love. He can only be happy in a love relationship with His creatures where they worship Him because they love and trust Him.
Satan had challenged God’s authority, but God did not place laws in force to show who was boss! He made them to protect His creatures, to ensure their peace and happiness. Satan, “the adversary of God,” made a devil out of himself!
God’s laws are like stoplights and speed limit signs all planned for our safety and well-being. But this most honoured of all the angels thought that he could run the universe better than God his Creator! God gives everyone the power of choice to obey or not obey. Out of fairness and love, God has allowed Satan to demonstrate to the universe the result of his choice and the way he would run the world. If God had destroyed the rebellion at its inception the loving relationship between Himself and the rest of His creation would have turned from love to worship out of fear.
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