Following The Evidence #72

The prophecy of Daniel 9 had incredibly given us the year of Jesus baptism (AD27) and the year of his crucifixion (AD31) 3 ½ years later. This was the last week of the 70th week / 490year prophecy given to Daniel in 537 BC. In 1445 BC, at the time of the Exodus of the nation of Israel from Egypt, another prophecy was given that gives us the exact month, week, day and hour that Jesus would die. How is this so?

On the eve of the Exodus at 3:00pm in the afternoon, the Hebrews were to sacrifice a lamb, the blood of which was to be applied to the door post of there homes. This was to become the 10th plague exacted on Pharoah. The first born of all the children and livestock were to die because of Pharoah’s defiance. This would include his own son. When the ‘destroying angel’ saw the blood on the door posts of the Hebrew homes he would “Pass over.” Forever more the Passover would be celebrated every year as a memorial of this event.

Passover (Pesach in Hebrew) is a Jewish festival celebrating the exodus from Egypt and the Israelites’ freedom from slavery to the Egyptians. The Feast of Passover, along with the Feast of Unleavened Bread, were the first of the festivals to be commanded by God for Israel to observe (see Exodus 12). Commemorations today involve a special meal called the Seder, featuring unleavened bread and other food items symbolic of various aspects of the exodus.

The Passover takes place in the spring, during the Hebrew month of Nisan. The Passover begins on the 15th day of the month of Nisan, which typically falls in March or April of the Gregorian calendar. As Hebrews celebrate the day from sunset to sunset the 15th day begins in the evening, after the 14th day, and the passover meal is eaten that evening. This is what Jesus was doing at the ‘last super.’ In Western countries, Passover is celebrated in early- to mid-April and is always close to Easter. The Passover was a full moon festival. This is why the darkness at the crucifixion could not have been an eclipse. We will continue this tomorrow.

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