05 Sep Following The Evidence #9
The famous atheist, Richard Dawkins (as with Francis Crick yesterday) believes that complicated things, such as DNA, only ‘appear’ to be designed. Why does it only appear designed? Well, because if it is designed then the obvious question is, who designed it? The reality of the matter is that the double-helix structure of DNA could not form by chance as we know that it carries complex coded information that can only be generated by intelligent sources (not mindless natural processes). Where is the evidence for the universe coming into existence out of nothing? Where is the evidence for dinosaurs evolving into birds? Where is the evidence for people evolving from ape-like creatures? How does an atheist account for belief in the laws of logic? How does an atheist account for morality, good, and evil? How does an atheist account for trusting in reason or rationality? By faith in their ideas of course!
Even though atheists have tried to produced arguments for these questions, they have no actual evidence or factual knowledge to believe any of them. Atheists believe these things because of their faith that time, chance, and the laws of nature will produce the “miracle” necessary to make them. This is a leap of faith. It is a superstitious idol! (cf.2Corinthians 10:5). They have no proof for their theories and what they believe!
It is not science that proves that God does not exist but the philosophical system that atheists use to interpret science and evidence, namely naturalism. The universe needs to be orderly for science to even work. But why would the universe be orderly if it is just the result of a naturalistic cosmic accident? The universe obeys certain laws and is orderly because God is a lawgiver and a God of order. Only the biblical worldview gives us reason to believe in the uniformity in nature, the very basis of science, but this is something that the atheistic worldview cannot account for. The thinking of the atheist is totally committed (in all their thoughts) to their own authority, judgement, and standards when it comes to interpreting the evidence and denying the existence of God.
“The wicked are too proud to seek God.
They seem to think that God is dead.” Psalm 10:4NLT
We will see as we proceed that the clues for God are cumulative and convincing.
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