Paul’s Footsteps #102

Footsteps #102

According to Luke 21:34, many people (through such things as alcohol and entertainment) try to escape from spiritual responsibility. Others may be concerned about spiritual preparation for the end but are distracted by the cares and anxieties of life. The suddenness of the end, however, means that the time is coming when there will be no escape for the distracted or the complacent.  

In the opening verses of the fifth chapter, Paul addresses the condition of those who, for whatever reason, are not prepared. The Thessalonians already know that the reality of the Second Coming is certain; only the timing is unknown. The surprise will be tragic for those who are not ready. Some are unprepared because they don’t believe in the Second Coming; others because they think they can delay their preparation until events convince them the end is near. 

In vs4&5 Paul begins a series of metaphor contrasts with day/night and darkness/light (a ruin/rescue contrast is implied in v3). Unbelievers will be surprised by the events of the end, but believers will not be surprised. Why? Because they live in the light. The Bible is a “a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” (Ps. 119:105, NLT). Prophecy is given so that we can have enough information in order to be spiritually prepared for whatever lies ahead. 

There are many distractions in today’s world, from jobs to e-mail to entertainment to an abundance of drugs and other mood enhancers. Paul’s appeal comes down to us through the corridors of time. Set distractions aside. Put the Word of God first in your life, and you will not be overtaken by events, no matter how unexpected their timing may be. 

Paul begins v6 with “therefore” or “so then,” depending on the translation. He has established that true followers of Jesus are children of the light and of the day. He continues the metaphor in order to exhort them to be more and more ready for Jesus’ return. While v7 offers a bit of a digression, vs6 and 8 encourage them to be awake, sober and armed for the challenges ahead.

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