Paul’s Footsteps #126

Footsteps #126

In treating erroneous views of the Lord’s Supper and baptism,(1Cor.10:1-13) Paul lists four sins of God’s people as examples of “what not to do.”  For each sin, Paul recalls a specific incident in Israel’s wilderness experience: In v7 the sin is idolatry and the story is from the worship of the golden calf  (Exod.23:1-6). In v8 the sin is immorality and the event is the plague at Baal Peor (Num.25). V9 the sin is putting Christ to the test and the Biblical event is the plague of serpents (Num:21:4-9). V10 refers to complaining and refers to the story of Korah,Dathan, and Abiram; and the 10 spies.(Num.16;13 & 14)

The references to these stories are seen as examples, ” to warn us who live at the end of the age.” (1Cor.10:6,11NLT).  Paul’s reference to the end time makes the principle all the more appropriate to us!

The sins of ancient Israel are paralleled in the experience of the Christians in Corinth.  Paul deals with idolatry twice (8:1-13, 10:14-22).  Likewise, he has warned them against immorality and noted that they are “arrogant” about it (4:2&Num. 25:6).  The Corinthians are “putting Christ to the test” by linking their participation in the Lord’s Supper with their involvement in idol feasts (1Cor.10:14-22).  And, in their failure to follow Paul’s directives (for example, 1Cor.5:9,13) and their complaints against his leadership, they are reflecting the rebellion of ancient Israel.

I can remember upsetting a young lady from a church I was pastoring many years ago when I commented on the music she was listening to by say, “You cannot eat at the devil’s table and expect to live in the Lord’s house.”

Some Corinthian Christians had developed a misplaced confidence of being safe because they had participated in baptism and the Lord’s supper. Paul deflates this false sense of security.  He argues that the Israelites had also been “baptized” and had eaten spiritual food and drink but were anything but “safe.”

Going to church, listening to a sermon, participating in the Lord’s supper, singing hymns etc, does not make us spiritually invincible to the devil’s attacks, just like going to McDonalds does not make you a hamburger.

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