26 Nov Paul’s Footsteps #142
Footsteps #142
Paul begins chap.14 with a plea to make love (agape) our aim, while still desiring spiritual gifts –especially prophecy (the public proclamation of the gospel.) Gifts have never been the test of spirituality! Jesus Himself said, “On judgment day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.’ But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.’ Matt7:22-23NLT. The true test of spirituality is the fruit of the Spirit! (Gal.5:22). As we noted in our survey on Galatians, fruit is singular and is all about Love. Christian love will seek to build and edify the church and not the individual (1Cor.14:12). This is true spiritual worship. The way we employ our gifts in public worship must bow to the great law of love. Our spiritual gifts must be used in ways that build others up in Christ.
So what are the true marks of the Spirit’s presence? You may or may not remember (depending on your age) the “Toronto Blessing” that began in 1994 and swept through many Christian circles. The movement was marked by a variety of phenomena including spasms, “resting in the Spirit,” ecstatic speech, animal-like noises, and, especially, infectious ‘holy’ laughter. Paul said the devil is a schemer (Eph6:11NIV). In these last days, we should “test everything, hold fast to that which is good.” 1Thess5:21NLT.
If the Holy Spirit was to make Himself known in a worship service, what would be the expected results? How does a congregation ensure that they are participating in Spirit-led worship? What are the true marks of the Spirit’s presence in one’s life? Paul’s ancient counsel speaks to these significant questions, which remain crucially important to us today.
In 1Cor.12-14 Paul is especially concerned with the misuse of the gift of unlearned languages. While the direct treatment of the issue occurs in chapt.14, Paul has already prepared the way for his corrective comments. Paul’s first mention of the gifts is congratulatory and this provides a positive framework for the later discussion. The Corinthian Christians ‘have every spiritual gift” (1:7NLT).
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