26 Nov Paul’s Footsteps #172
Footsteps #172
In 2Cor5:18-21 the word “reconcile” (or a form of it) is used to make four different affirmations: 1. God reconciled us (i.e. He made peace with us). 2. God gave to us the ministry of reconciliation. 3. God has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 4. God urges people to be reconciled to Him. Why does Paul implore us to be reconciled after telling us that God has already reconciled us to Himself? And if reconciliation is something God does, why are we given a ministry of reconciliation? And what’s the difference between the ministry of reconciliation and the message of reconciliation? “The ministry of reconciliation” is another term for “sharing the Gospel.” When you share the good news that Christ died for our sins you are essentially telling people who are estranged from God how they can become friends with Him. The ministry of reconciliation is motivated by two foundational truths: (5:11-15), The fear of the Lord, and the love of Christ. V11: Paul wants to persuade men that they need to repent, turn to Christ, and be forgiven. But how is the fear of the Lord a motive for doing that? When we discussed v10 a few days ago we noted how we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body. We noted that this judgment is not only comforting but also sobering. A healthy fear of the Lord and of his searching judgment of our lives ought to cause us to carefully examine how we are building God’s church. Back in 1Cor.3 Paul said that “fire will test the quality of each man’s work” Are our lives, our words, our attitudes, our actions drawing people to the Saviour or turning them away? No wonder Paul says, “Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade men.” Paul’s reminder here of God’s coming judgment is not an attempt to scare unbelievers into heaven; rather it is given to believers as a means of spurring them on in faithful sharing of their faith.
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