Paul’s Footsteps #182

Footsteps #182

Throughout the Scriptures we see loyal believers working in the secular world, even for pagans, without any hint of compromise. In fact, two of the greatest spiritual heroes of the OT–Joseph and Daniel (about whom no evil is even hinted)–were powerful figures in thoroughly pagan governments and were praised for maintaining a strong testimony of integrity and honour. It is a privilege to work for a Christian employer as I do, but the opposite may provide opportunities of influence for the gospel (7:1).  

Paul tried to fit in with the people he was evangelizing. But clearly, there is a danger point here. In fact, I don’t know any question more difficult for Christians to wrestle with today than the extent to which they should adopt the customs of their culture. There are some customs that are positive and healthy and should be adopted, some that are blatantly evil and must be avoided, and others that are neither black nor white but must be evaluated cautiously.  

Even harder are the questions that arise concerning our engagement with the culture in moral, entertainment, or fashion areas. Christians should not live in isolation from the culture, nor must they reject all of its customs, but they must be very cautious here.  

We must not create churches that preach the glory of Christ while at the same time cultivate lifestyles that focus on attaining the pleasures of this world. We cannot declare the sovereignty of God and at the same time promote looking to the self-help strategies of our culture as the pathway to salvation. Neither can we preach the power of God and wink at immorality and sin. The arrogant exaltation of our human egos and the love of money are the twin pillars of the wickedness and darkness that the opponent of God is using today to bring the idols of the health and wealth gospel into the church. May God grant us the strength to be his people alone. “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers… Come out from them and be separate… Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.” 

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