Paul’s Footsteps #208

Footsteps #208

We have come to one of the strangest and most fascinating passages in the whole Bible. It contains two remarkable stories–Paul’s visit to Paradise and the thorn in the flesh he was given as a result of his visit. This is not an easy passage to interpret or to understand, and I’m convinced we will never understand it fully unless we see it in the context of the dispute that was going on between Paul and the false teachers who had seized authority in the church at Corinth during his absence. We have examined the whole issue of the “super apostles,” then we observed his unbelievable resume of suffering and persecution for the cause of Christ, which contrasted so sharply with the easy life and success-oriented ministry of the false apostles. They judged a person’s faithfulness by the level of wealth, popularity, success, and influence they were able to achieve. Paul judged his by the level of suffering, persecution, weakness, and humiliation he endured. In chapter 12 he continues to set himself apart from the false teachers by taking the debate to a whole new level: “I must go on boasting,” he says in the first verse. “Although there is nothing to be gained, I will go on to visions and revelations from the Lord.” In effect he says, “I’ve contrasted my philosophy of ministry with that of the false teachers; I’ve contrasted my resume of suffering and persecution with theirs; now I will even contrast myself with them in regard to their claims of supernatural visions and revelations from God.” Here’s what I think is going on: The super apostles are making claims like we so often hear today: “I was talking to the Lord last night, and He told me such-and-such, to sing this song, or say such and such.” This somehow gives them credibility – the Lord talks to them and so we should listen up!  Paul “brags” about the most amazing experience any human being ever enjoyed. I put “brags” in quotation marks, because I think we will quickly see that he is speaking very reluctantly. TBC Read 2Cor.12:1-6 

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