19 Oct Paul’s Footsteps #295
“Much more then, having now been justified [b]by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him.” Romans 5:9 NASB
Footsteps #295 The passage we have been considering (Rom.5:6-9) Is so simple a child can understand it, God loves us, and that fact is not just in words but in deeds. He did not commend His love to us in lofty and eloquent oration like a lover might to his beloved. No, if we stand on the threshold of this text we find it was not a powerful expression of the tongue but the lofty eloquence of the hand – the acts from the heart. This is what will win the heart. Thus it is with our faith, God does not want to hear our lofty words in prayer and praise, what wins His heart are deeds that demonstrate our faith. Walk the talk as I have heard it said.
The scriptures had declared that “the soul that sins shall die”(Ezek.18:20). But God does not punish those who have strayed, he sent His Son to bear the sufferings which the guilty ought to endure. How must the angels have been astonished when they contemplated the plan put forth in heaven that the son would assume flesh and die! Are we astonished?
God commends his love toward us in Christ. Roll that thought over in your mind; ponder it in your meditations; weigh it in your hearts. If you have the right idea of Godhead, if you know who Christ is, if you can conceive Him who is the everlasting God, and yet the man; if you can picture him, the pure, holy, perfect man, and yet the everlasting Creator. If you can conceive of Him as the man who was wounded, and yet the God who was exalted forever. If you can picture him as the Maker of all worlds, as the Lord of providence, by whom all things exist and consist. If you can conceive of him now, as robed in splendour, surrounded with the choral symphonies of myriads of angels, then perhaps you may guess how deep was that stride of condescension, when He stepped from heaven to earth, from earth into the grave, that he might make his condescension perfect and complete. “He has commended his love” to you, in that it was Christ, the Son of God, who died for you. Are you astonished?
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