10 Dec Pauls Footsteps #347
“For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son so that his Son would be the firstborn[a] among many brothers and sisters.” Rom. 8:29. NLT.
Footsteps #347. God is outside time and thus he knows the end from the beginning as Isaiah says. He already knows what your end is because He has already seen the decisions you will make through life. The word “FOR” in this passage takes us back to Romans 8:28, in which we read that “God causes all things to work together for good to those that love God” (NASB). That text in turn we must interpret in the context of the topic of suffering that begins in v17 and in the additional context of the groaning for the end of sin and decay that characterise vs19-25.
Then in v26 and 27, Paul begins to offer words of encouragement, including the fact that the Holy Spirit makes our prayer life effectual and that God is actively working for the good of His children (v28). That pastoral love extends over into vs29 and 30, in which God tells us that He has known all about us from the beginning.
He not only foreknew each of us, but He predestined each to be saved. As Paul noted in 1 Timothy 2:4, God “desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth”. Christ made a similar statement when He said, “Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28). Again, “whosoever believe in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). “Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely” (Rev. 22:17).
The biblical pattern is clear: God offers salvation to all freely, but it is up to each individual to accept the offer. He forces no one. God messes with no one’s free will!
The purpose of this passage is pastoral and practical. Paul continues to comfort those “suffering” and “groaning” in their half-saved, between the now and not yet condition. The persecutions of Nero were only 5 years in the future when he wrote this. He assures them that not only is the Spirit with them (Rom. 8:26, 27), that not only is he actively working on their behalf in each of their troubles, but also that their ultimate salvation rests in His hands. The hands of the very One who foreknew them as Father and who predestined or selected them for salvation also cradles their future. They have nothing to fear in spite of what may have been foreboding circumstances.
The Lord not only selected them for salvation; He also wants them to be “conformed to the image of His Son”. He desires for each Christian to become more like Jesus. He seeks to re-create Christ’s image in each of His children. If we think of justification as the beginning of personal salvation, spiritual growth is its continuation in each Christian’s life.
Posted at 09:09h, 13 DecemberBeautiful consolatory verses. Yes, I agree that God has called’all’.