14 Dec Pauls Footsteps #351
“What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? 32 Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won’t he also give us everything else?” Romans 8:31-31 NLT
Footsteps #351. “If God is for us,” then “who can revert be against us?” The obvious implied answer is “nobody”. That doesn’t mean that Christians don’t face any opposition. Paul’s whole biography is one of persecution and resistance to his message. Also, as we noted in Romans 7, indwelling sin is an ongoing, powerful adversary. And death is still an enemy, defeated but not yet destroyed. No, Christians still have forces against them, but nothing can defeat them, because God is on their side.
God for us, is the centre of the gospel itself. We must never forget that truth, no matter how bad things may get. God for us is the distilled essence of the good news. That realisation will give me the courage to continue day by day.
When considering the “everything” of v32 we need to remember its context. It appears within the framework of the plan of salvation. It is not a promise concerning material or wealth things as some would like to make it. Paul is saying that we can be absolutely certain that the God who is “for us” will provide everything necessary for our salvation. Of that, the apostle has not the slightest doubt.
How do we know? How can we be confident that God will freely offer us everything needed for salvation? Because, said Paul, “He did not withhold even His Own Son, but gave Him up for all of us”. That text reminds us of Genesis 22:16, in which God blesses Abraham because of his readiness to sacrifice Isaac. The blessing came, God told him because you “have not withheld your son, your only son”. The big difference between God and Abraham is that Abraham was praised for his readiness to offer his son, even though he didn’t have to go through with the sacrifice. For Abraham, it was a test of faith. But for God, it was a reality. He did in fact give His only begotten Son for the sins of the world at Calvary.
God offered up Christ “for us all”. That phrase adds a personal touch to Christ’s work. He didn’t just die; He stood in my place as my substitute.
Paul is arguing from the greater to the lesser. That is since he has already given the greatest gift imaginable (His Own Son), how can He fail to lavish every other gift upon us for our salvation needs? In the Son He gave everything. The cross is the guarantee of the continuing generosity of a God totally dedicated to completing what he has begun in the gift of Jesus Christ.
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