25 Feb Pauls Footsteps #426
“Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward.” Heb.10:35
Footsteps #426. The apostle’s message to the Hebrew’s is that spiritual sluggishness is dangerous. Over and over he hammers home the fearful results. We have noted such in chapters 5 and 6. Now read 10:27-31,35, 2:3, 6:8. In his discussion on their ‘baby condition’ in 5:11-14, he tells them that milk will no longer help them; their situation is serious. If they are going to be saved from the perils of neglect they must take solid food. The chapter had declared that theology, even difficult theology aids Christian growth. Some people disdain theology, but my definition of theology is faith seeking understanding. Hebrews is an attempt to revive ebbing Christians. Thus its universal and timeless relevance! It is a message designed to stir up Christian growth. It seeks to dispel doubts and lethargy. Instead of sluggishness that lacks spiritual inertia and a shrinking back in view of the lengthy delay of Jesus return, they are to be invigorated with full assurance and absolute confidence. (Heb.4:16, 6:11, 10:22 etc.) Our absolute confidence is in what Christ has done, where He now is, what He is now doing, and what He will do at the second coming. We can be fully assured of this because of the Father’s love for us!
In all Paul’s writings, he follows the same pattern: theology, exhortation, followed by more theology and exhortation etc. He goes from the head to the heart. He is in effect saying, ”This is the truth; this is the result.” As he has moved from the Divinity of Christ to His incarnation and then His High Priestly ministry in the heavenly sanctuary Paul is affirming the confidence we can have because of this. He is admonishing us to a vibrant faith because God has been faithful to His covenant in the sacrifice of Christ. All the time as he moves from theology to exhortation he is making the point that if we can just grasp the magnificence of our salvation; if we can just see the transcendent dimension of the Divine realities, then we will cease to be wishy-washy Christians. Then we will be able to stand on our feet and look the world squarely in the eye because you know who you are, and you know where you are going, and you know what He wants you to be.
Think for a moment where you stand in all this. Is your life on planet earth just part of the cosmic rat race? (Even if you win the race, you are still a rat!) Are you just part of the weary round of birth, decay and death, or are you destined for some far greater purpose?
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