Pauls Footsteps #427

“Here is the main point: We have a High Priest who sat down in the place of honor beside the throne of the majestic God in heaven. There he ministers in the heavenly Tabernacle, the true place of worship that was built by the Lord and not by human hands… They (the earthly priests) serve in a system of worship that is only a copy, a shadow of the real one in heaven.” Heb.8:1-3 NLT 

Footsteps #427. If a preacher in a sermon makes the statement, “This is my main point!” then we ought to pay attention because this is what he wants us to take away. For several chapters, Paul had been labouring the truth of Jesus High Priestly ministry in the heavenly sanctuary (8:5). We get this same concept in the opening chapters of Revelation, where Jesus is dressed as the High Priest when He appears to the apostle John on Patmos, ministering to the churches through the ages. To put the language in 21st-century terminology; Jesus is our lawyer in the courtroom of heaven! That’s good news! If you have put your case into His hands then you can’t lose, because the outcome is predetermined. He has already paid the penalty for your crimes (sin). However, if you go into the Judgment without a lawyer, i.e. to represent yourself, then you can’t win because the prosecuting attorney (the devil) has a list of your crimes, and it only will take one of these to condemn you to the penalty for sin; which is death. Before you read another line, ask yourself if your case is in His hands. If not ask Him now to be your representative.  

The truth of the High Priestly ministry of Jesus, while prominent in scripture, was obliterated during the Middle Ages, when the church and the truth came under significant theological attack. Jesus ministry in heaven was substituted for an earthly priesthood. The mediation of a loving advocate was replaced by a celestial terrorist who will roast and toast you for eternity if you don’t conform to the dictates of the church. The Divine law was also openly tampered with in several places. The doctrine of justification by faith alone was supplanted by a works-based theology. 

Paul wrote/preached Hebrews to strengthen the faith of believers amid their trials. He reminded them that the promises of God will be fulfilled through Jesus who is seated at the right hand of the Father and will soon come to take us home. In the meantime, Jesus mediates the Father’s blessings to us. So we need to persevere until the end (see Matt 24:13). 

Dwell on this pearl of great price for a moment. Most of us know that in John 15:26 the Holy Spirit is called the comforter or the one called alongside. The Greek word is ‘paracletos’. However, in 1John 2:1 the same Greek word is applied to Jesus and is translated in most translations by the word ‘advocate’. That’s what a lawyer does; advocates – that’s the High Priestly ministry of Jesus on your behalf. So add it all up! The Holy Spirit is on your side here and now, Jesus is on your side in heaven right now and the Father is cheering you home! Are you able to have absolute confidence in the magnificent gift of eternal life offered to you in Jesus Christ? Put your faith in Him and you cannot lose, all heaven is on your side!

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