Paul’s Footsteps #99

Footsteps #99

For Paul, the recent resurrection of Jesus from death was the guarantee that all believers would also be resurrected at the Second Coming (c.f.1Cor.15:20-23). Paul’s theology is consistent. “If we believe” (4:14) in the death and resurrection of Jesus, we should also believe in the resurrection of those who have died as true followers of Jesus.

So, Paul is using “through Jesus” in the same way as “in Christ” in v16. The point he was making is all will ascend to heaven together (c.f.John.14:1-3). God does not “bring” the resurrected Christians down to earth when Jesus comes; instead (as He did with Jesus), He “brings” them up from the grave and, together with the living ones, to heaven. Just as the resurrection of Jesus preceded His ascension to heaven, so it will be with His faithful followers.

In 1Thess.4:13-5:11, Paul builds on the earthly teachings of Jesus. There are multiple parallels between these end-time passages and the sayings of Jesus recorded in the Gospels. But when Paul talks about the “word directly from Lord” in v15 (NLT), he is referring to a saying of Jesus that did not make it into the four gospels, but that Paul preserves for us (a clear example of this same thing is seen in (Acts 20:35).And I have been a constant example of how you can help those in need by working hard. You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.” NLT

The second coming of Jesus is Audible, visible, and powerful. There is nothing secret about it! (see e.g.Rev.1:7; Matt.24:31; John.5:28,29; Acts.1:9-11).

Notice his order of events. Paul assures the Thessalonians that the living believers do not “precede,” or have any advantage over, the dead. The dead in Christ are the ones who rise first (Rev.20:4-6). That happens before the living ascend to meet Jesus in the air (1Thess.4:17). The righteous dead are resurrected and given immortality along with those who are alive when He returns.

This passage does not teach that believers go to heaven when they die. If Paul had taught the Thessalonian believers that their dead loved ones were in heaven, why would they be grieving, and why didn’t he just tell them so? Instead, the comfort Paul offers here is the knowledge that the resurrection will reunite them with those they have loved at the Second coming.

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