02 Jan Meditations on the Psalms #128
Day 128
Psalm 59 part 2
“‘Selah,’ Stop and think about what you just read! v5; assuredly God will have them in derision; ‘Selah,’ assuredly God shall shiver their bones, shake their best actions, and discover their impurity; ‘Selah,’ assuredly God’s judgment shall be heavy upon them, and they shall not discern it to be his hand till they are consumed. ‘Selah:’ assuredly, verily, amen, this is a faithful, an infallible truth; as the Lord lives it shall be so.
The following 2 verses describe those who were sent by Saul to assassinate him in his house. V8-10 describes God’s response and David’s trust; God was his defence. There is perhaps no more beautiful description of what God is to His tried people. The phrase suggests at once strength and peace. A tower against which all the might of the foe hurls itself in vain. (Think the Devil.)
v9-10 uses three titles for God that are precious for the troubled believer: my God of lovingkindness, my stronghold [fortress RSV, defence KJV)], and strength. Meditate on these three attributes!
Lest my people forget (v11) reminds us that whenever David prayed for the destruction of his enemies (and sometimes he prayed quite severely), he had in mind not only his personal deliverance but also what the display of Divine justice would teach God’s people. He was not moved by malice, or desire of revenge, but by the respect which he had to God’s honour and the general good of his people.
We sense David peeking through a window at the assassins surrounding his house like a pack of dangerous dogs. Notice the contrast in this last stanza (14-17): Night vs morning, they vs I, howl vs Hallelujah.
When King Saul sent assassins to David’s house, he openly revealed his desire to kill David. From then on, for the next 9-10 years, David had to live as a fugitive, constantly in danger of his life. It’s interesting to notice that David entered that period singing praises and was still able to pour out his heart to God in song at the end of that period (2Samuel 1:17-27). Only when God is our strength are we strong c.f. Eph3:12.
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