Meditations on the Psalms #131

Day 131

Psalm 62: Read here –

Vs1-2 are repeated, with a slight variation in vs5-6.

The word only (or alone) occurs five times in the first nine verses. It is an emphasiser, to underline a statement or to point to a contrast; its insistent repetition gives the psalm a tone of special earnestness.

David begins by declaring his great confidence in and trust upon God from whom ‘comes my salvation.’ The Psalm seems to come from an undisclosed time of trouble, yet it asks God for nothing. It is full of faith and trust but has no fear, no despair, and no petition. David trusted in God alone for his strength; the rock of his salvation. The description is of a man completely focused upon God for His help, firmly resolved to look nowhere else.

David’s faith was in God alone, but he had words for his enemies in v3.

In v2 he wrote, I shall not be greatly shaken(NASB). In v5 he comes to an even stronger position: ‘I shall not be moved.’ It seems in the slight variation that confidence has grown.

Observe how the Psalmist brands his own initials upon every name which he rejoicingly gives to his God through vs1-2 & 5-8; my expectation, my rock, my salvation, my glory, my strength, my refuge; he is not content to know about the Lord in all these things; they are personal, he acts in faith towards him.

‘Pour out your heart before Him’ he tells us (v8): God’s strength and stability made David rightly think of Him as a rock. Yet God was not insensitive or unfeeling like a rock. God invites His people to ‘pour out’ their heart – their sorrows, their joys, their trust, and their doubt; all of it – before Him. Pour it out as water. Not as milk, whose colour remains. Not as wine, whose stain remains. Not as honey, whose taste remains. But as water, of which, when it is poured out, nothing remains. Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to the cross I cling, says the poet in the famous hymn, Rock of Ages. He welcomes the poured out heart looking for refuge in Him.

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