16 Sep Meditations on the Psalms #193
Psalm 96 Part 3
Three stanzas with three lots of three: v1-2, v7,8, v11-12. The third of the triune proclamations are now given in the 3rd stanza, calling the whole creation to break forth into joy and celebrate the glories of redemption. Paul had this in mind when he wrote, “the creation looks forward to the day when it will join God’s children in glorious freedom from death and decay.” Rom 8:21(NLT). The thought that inanimate nature will share in the joy of a renovated humanity inspires many glowing prophetic utterances, eminently those of Isaiah, e.g. Isaiah35:1-10. The converse thought, that it shared in the consequences of man’s sin, is deeply stamped on the Genesis narrative.
I love the, ‘He is coming, He is coming’ repetition of v13. The blessed hope of the NT! The psalm ends with the joyful confidence that God ‘when He comes,’ will judge and set things right. The goodness of this is apparent to those who love God, love His ways, and hurt over the injustices of the present age. To a Hebrew, the disadvantaged did not fear judgment but rather longed for it, because it meant a day when evil would be punished and those who did the right things would be vindicated. Jesus told a parable with the same theme (Luke18:1-8.) The helpless widow represents all people who have no voice.
Though it is apparent that this psalm was part of the worship surrounding the coming of the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem, it looks beyond, to the kingdom of Christ. It is designed to celebrate the wonders of that Kingdom, especially the succession of the Gentiles. As we meditate on this psalm, we ought to have our hearts filled with elevated thoughts of the glory of God and the grace of the gospel. It also fills us with expectation & hope in the judgment to come that will release us from the bondage that the creation has been subjected to.
Ps96 to 99 are linked together with the expression “the Lord reigns”, except for Ps98 which has “the Lord, the King” (v6), but shares the same opening line as 96.
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