Meditations on the Psalms #198

Psalm 99 Part 2

With vs1-3, the emphasis is on the Lord’s might. God is imagined as enthroned in the heavens! The people’s reaction is to tremble in awe and wonder and to praise. The ‘cherubim’ were part of the decorations of the Lord’s throne in the temple; in the psalmist’s eye, they become winged creatures around the heavenly throne. Most commentators regard the ‘footstool’ of v5 as the ark of the covenant in the ‘Most Holy Place’ where God dwells (as the Shekinah Glory,) ‘between the cherubim’. Worshipping at His footstool is to submit to His sovereignty and respond appropriately to His holy presence. The greatness of the Lord is the reason for the people to sing hymns of praise.

In vs4-5, the emphasis is on the Lord’s mercy, expressed in concern for people on earth. God is a lover; a lover of justice that sees to it that justice is established in Israel. Here the reason for the people to sing praises is God’s love for justice. Then He is the God who responds (v6-9). Examples of the nearness of God are cited; Moses and Aaron bridged the gap between God and people at the time of the Exodus. They called on the Lord for help and the Lord answered (Ex4:5-11). Samuel called on the Lord for help and the Lord answered (1Samuel 7:7-11; 12:16-18). V8 says simply, “Lord, you answered them and forgave them.” God answered these men (and others) who sought Him. He revealed Himself to them as the God-Who-Forgives.

Significantly, even these men of whom it was said, they kept His testimonies (v7) need this revelation of the God-Who-Forgives. As do we!
This is a reason for praise (v9) and an invitation for the people praying this psalm to call upon the Lord to receive help and forgiveness. Once more the reader is compelled to exalt God, to worship Him, and to recognize God’s holiness. ‘For the Lord our God is holy:’ For the emphatic third time, God’s holiness is proclaimed. Later, in heavenly visions, the Prophet Isaiah (Isa6:3) and the Apostle John (Rev4:8) would hear this three-time declaration of holiness combined into a single sentence.

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