Meditations on the Psalms #240

Psalm 110 Part 2 

Why does v1 use the imagery of a ‘footstool?’ Because It was an ancient practice of the region for victorious generals to place their feet on the necks of vanquished leaders. The devil was defeated at the cross, bruised by the heel of Jesus. When the people of God see and experience the victory of their Messiah, they will ‘volunteer freely’(v3) to His work, gathered as a willing army. There are no mercenaries in this battle, no slaves pressed into the ranks of Jesus’ soldiers. This army is composed entirely of volunteers. Whenever the Holy Spirit is supreme in a church there will be a free-will offering of our hearts and lives. The people of God praise the victorious Messiah and are noted for their ‘beautiful holiness,’ their radiant being (the womb of the morning), and their ageless strength (dew of your youth). 

 ‘Youth’ here (v4)is a collective noun, equivalent to ‘young men.’ The host of his soldier-subjects are described as a band of young warriors, whom he leads, in their fresh strength and countless numbers and gleaming beauty, like the ‘dew of the morning.’  
Yahweh (God the Father) made an oath that would never be annulled (v4.) This is the oath of Yahweh regarding the Messiah, God the Son. He vowed that the Messiah had an eternal priesthood and that it was after the pattern (order) of Melchizedek, who is mentioned in a single brief account in the OT (Genesis14). After Abraham defeated the confederation of kings who took his nephew, Lot, captive, Abraham met with a mysterious priest named Melchizedek, whose name means ‘King of Righteousness’ and who was also king over the city of Salem (ancient Jerusalem), which made him the king of peace (Salem). 

Melchizedek was not merely a worshipper of the true God. He had the honoured title; priest of the Most High God. The greatness of God magnified the greatness of Melchizedek’s priesthood. Melchizedek blessed Abraham, demonstrating his greatness over the patriarch. Abraham gave Melchizedek a tithe of all the spoils of battle). Melchizedek appears without any genealogy. This revealed another order of priesthood apart from the descendants of Aaron. TBC  

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