Meditations on the Psalms #254

Psalm 115 Part 2

When God does wonderful things, the glory should be given to Him, even if we are in some sense active in the work. The repetition of the words, ‘Not to us,’ indicates a very serious desire to renounce any glory which we might at any time have proudly appropriated to ourselves. These verses were likely in the mind and heart of Jesus on the night before His crucifixion. Singing these words must have moved Him in a way beyond our comprehension. No soul – neither that of the composer of the song nor that of anyone who employs it – ever entered so completely into all its deep spiritual significance, as did the soul of Jesus, as, before passing out to Olivet, to Gethsemane, then to Calvary, He sang it with that little group of men.

The lovingkindness of God alone means that He is worthy of praise and glory – not His people who receive it. We may add to that His truth(NASB), or Faithfulness (NRSV) because truth is grounded in Him and not in His people. ‘Lovingkindness’ translates the great Hebrew word chesed, which may be understood as Yahweh’s grace, His loyal royal love, His covenant love unto His people. When John later wrote ‘grace and truth came through Jesus Christ’(John1:17), he echoed the psalmist and saw it perfectly fulfilled in Jesus. Grace gave the promise, truth (the word) fulfilled it. 
V2 is a skilfully formed prayer. A subtle but powerful request. The psalmist asked God to deliver His people so that He would be glorified among the nations, and the Gentiles would have no reason to think God had forsaken them. 

To expose the folly of idolatry he asks, ’where are the gods of the nation’s (v2-8)? They are worshipping imaginary beings and the projections of their own lusts and longings even demonic spirits. Yet Yahweh was different (v3.) 
It is one of the places where Scripture, like the child in the story of ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes,’ takes a cool stare at what the world does not care to admit. What this psalm does to our idolatries, Ecclesiastes will do supremely to man and his ambitions. 

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