Meditations on the Psalms #278

Psalm 119 Part 10 Verse 81

This is the kaph stanza. Kaph is a curved letter, similar to a half-circle, and it was often thought of as a handheld out to receive some gift or blessing. ‘Fainting’ and ‘hoping’ for God’s word reminds me of the words of Paul in 2Cor4:8-9 

As you read the next several stanzas, note the repetition of words like ‘understand’, ‘meditate,’ ‘lovingkindness’, ‘teach,’ and phrases that begin with,”I love your…” This is how to know the will of God; meditation implies devotion, understanding implies right thinking. “The whole heart” which occurs 14 times in the psalm (e.g.V145, 161) is the secret of a blessed life. A divided heart is the curse of many a life.

When reading this psalm, I can’t help but think of the words of Paul in Heb4:12. He also calls the word “the sword of the Spirit” (Eph6:17). 
Ps119 declares that His words are ‘forever’ and to ‘every generation,’ and as ‘enduring as the earth” (e.g.v89&90). C.f. Jesus words in Matt5:17-19. The Bible Has been burned and banned. Its demise has been predicted by every generation, but it lives on. You can go to the Amazon jungle or to wall street and find it being read and studied. You can find professional athletes as well as senior citizens in nursing homes looking for guidance in its pages. 

Almost every verse mentions God’s word. But you will find even more frequent references to God; including ‘you’ and ‘your’. Also, note the predominance of personal pronouns. The main point of this psalm is not the word, but the relationship between people and God through the word. V176 makes this clear. The aim of scripture is not simply that you may know about God. It is that you may know Him personally. (C.f.John17:3) 
Such a wonderful conclusion to a psalm so full of varied experiences and the ever-changing situations and feelings that is OUR lives. Whether in sunshine or in cloud, in the calm or in the storm, even in the often propensity to wander, the psalmist gives repeated expression of his utter inability to find his way without the Lord’s guiding hand found in His word.  

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