21 Sep Meditations on the Psalms #285
Psalm 123
This is another of the 15 psalms pilgrims would have sung on their way to a festival in Jerusalem. They give us a pattern of preparation to meet with God and His people. Its shortness shows us that the force of prayer over great and weighty matters does not consist in many words. Often our prayers proceed from a spirit of what Paul calls the unutterable groanings of the heart. (Rom.8:23)
The background of this psalm is Sennacharibs boastful insolence and Hezekiah’s trustful reaction. This is the story the pilgrims would have recounted as they ascended to the Holy city. It begins with a statement of faith, (v1) and continues with a statement of hope (v2.) The psalmist declares his intention and action – to lift up his eyes to God. This means that his eyes are not on his circumstances or himself, but on Yahweh. Not to the hills, but the God of the hills! You can look no higher! By remembering where God is, like the author, we can grow in trust and confidence.
These psalms have progressed from lamenting our surroundings as pilgrims in this world(Ps120), to our sights being lifted to the new Jerusalem (Ps121). Then to delighting in the house of the Lord (Ps122). And now (Ps123) we look beyond our troubles to the Lord who once walked on the stormy sea and commanded its silence.
The goal of the pilgrim is not Jerusalem, as important as that city was, or even the temple in Jerusalem, as important as that was, but God himself, whose true throne is not anywhere on earth but in heaven. Jesus prayed,” This is life eternal that they might know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ (the Messiah) whom you have sent.” (John17:3.)
Both Hezekiah and Jesus had “contempt” put on them. Contempt (v3) and scorn are never easy when it comes from those who are at ’ease’. The faith and trials of God’s people in this ungodly age, just as in the days of Hezekiah and Sennacherib, is difficult. But in the light of eternity what does it matter? Our eyes are set above the trials, tumult, and strife of the world.
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