21 Sep Meditations on the Psalms #308
Psalm 136
Psalm 136 is a special psalm, with each of its 26 verses repeating the sentence, His lovingkindness(NASB) endures forever. Throughout the OT this phrase has a liturgical sense, used by the assembled people of Israel and sung in response to the Levites leading the singing and worship. Ezra3:11 indicates that this encouragement was part of a responsive singing among the gathered multitude of God’s people: “For He is good, for His mercy(NKJV) endures forever toward Israel.” This phrase is used several times in the OT and echoes other psalms, the dedication of Solomon’s temple (2Chron5:13,7:3 & 7:6) and the anticipated praise of Israel after the Babylonian conquest (Jer33:10-11). It was sung daily as part of the morning and evening sacrifices (1Chron16:37-41)
In Jewish tradition Psalm 135 has been called the Great Hallel (or Great Psalm of Praise). It does not use the words hallelujah, but it is called the Great Hallel for the way it rehearses God’s goodness in regard to his people and encourages them to praise him for his merciful and steadfast love.
The unfailing love and mercy of God is His essential nature. We know that God is love (1John4:8&4:16), and that love is an expression of His goodness. This is a wonderful reason to give Yahweh thanks (v1). Giving thanks calls us to thoughtful grateful worship, reflecting and proclaiming what we know or have found of God’s glory and His deeds. Good is God writ large, because he is the source of good, and this deserves our constant gratitude.
Because we are made in God’s image (Gen1:26-27)), we know something of what is good. However, we are fallen (Rom5:19), and our knowledge of good is corrupted. Yet our entire concept of good is rooted in God and His goodness. Those who question God’s goodness do so according to some standard of what is good and what is evil. The very existence of that standard connects them to something beyond themselves – back to the Creator who made them in His image.
The greatest demonstration of the always-enduring mercy of God was seen in the person and work of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world.
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