Meditations on the Psalms #347

Psalm 150 Part 3

In the Old Testament God came and “dwelt” or “tabernacled” with His people. The apostle John declares of Jesus that “the word became flesh and dwelt (tabernacled NKJV) among us. Jesus now serves His people in a sanctuary in the heavens (Heb.8:1-2). Jesus now makes His sanctuary among His people collectively (2Cor.6:16). Jesus makes His sanctuary in the individual believer (1Cor3:16). Ultimately, Jesus Himself will be the sanctuary of God among His people (Rev21:22). Jesus said He was the sanctuary in John 2:19-21. Psalm 150 gives many reasons to praise Yahweh – the whole expanse of the heavens and the wonder of creation (v1) through to the mighty acts of His goodness. All the inhabitants of the universe are to share in the grand chorus.

He has done great and powerful things, especially through what Jesus accomplished at the cross and the empty tomb. The singer of this psalm had only shadowy knowledge of it, but the ultimate demonstration of God’s power would come in the resurrection of Jesus (Eph.1:19-20). For this and all His mighty acts, not just to Israel, but mightier acts did He perform in Jesus, for the redemption of the world, for these we should praise Him. 
While it is right to praise God for the mighty things He does, there is perhaps something even greater in praising Him for who He is, in all the excellence of His greatness. This greatness surpasses all else in the entire universe, excellent above all. 
Verses 3-5 picks up the praise with an orchestra where no instrument is left out. The point is everything you have can be used to worship God. Let our worship not be weak and unexciting.

There was good reason to mention the trumpet first in this long list. The sound of the trumpet is associated with the grandest and most solemn events, such as the giving of the law, the proclamation of jubilee, the coronation of Jewish kings, and the raging of war. There is a trumpet call in reference to the coming of our Lord in his second advent and the raising of the dead. TBC 

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