Meditations on the Psalms #348

Psalm 150 Part 4

At Christmas we celebrate the Christ child in the animal feed box. Not good enough says Paul! At Easter we are presented with the image of the dying Jesus hanging on the cross. Not good enough says Paul! Paul says, “Christ is the visible image of the invisible God (Col.1:15). Jesus is Emmanuel – God with us! We often send SMS pictures of our family to our extended family in Brazil. Jesus is the portrait sent to us by the father, and in Him are all the personal characteristics of God. “God in all His fullness” was in Christ (Col.1:19). Compare this passage with John.1:1-18. Both give a glorious portrayal of Jesus; the Son of God. You cannot read Colossians.1:15-20 and not feel that it glows and moves with a personal joy in believing! Paul is not only discussing; he is worshipping!

Let everything that has breath praise the LORD: This is a remarkably fitting conclusion to this psalm and to the entire Book of Psalms. Everything that breathes should give its praise to the One who gave it breath. The last line of the Psalter could be nothing else than Hallelujah! Yahweh is to be praised and honoured, and will be so among His people and all creation.The book of psalms begins with ‘Blessed,’ and ends with ‘Hallelujah.’”

The psalms (and indeed the whole Bible) is so accurate and faithful to life. Your life may resemble the psalter with its varying moods, its light and shadow, its sob and smile; but it will end with hallelujahs, just keep your eyes fixed on the goal. There is no promise that the sea won’t be stormy, but there is a promise of a safe arrival in the harbour. There is no rosy picture of what life will be like. The psalms have shown us the dark and the light, the evil and the good, the hard and the enjoyable, the bitter and the sweet. “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” 1 Cor.2:9 (Quoting Isa.64:4) So just keep loving Him no matter what!

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