Meditations on the Psalms #357

 Christmas Reflections Part 7

It was one great leap from the throne of God, to a manger in a stable, from a Son to a Servant; from the top of glory to the bottom of humiliation. “For He made himself of no reputation and took on the form of a servant.” This is the depth of condescending love that the most inspired mind must utterly fail to fathom.

How many people, when they have finished ripping wrappers and opening boxes, in the end, find nothing that will fill their hearts. For many, the greatest gift remains unopened. Paul said, “Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift.” (2Cor9:15.) This is why Jesus came. He came that we might have life, that we might live life more abundantly, and have life without end. How wondrous that we are heirs to the riches of eternity, gifted to us by God Almighty, through His son Jesus. Not only do we inherit all things, but we also receive His name because we are adopted into His family (Gal4:5-6).

AS part of the golden chain of redemption that is linked through the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, our debt to sin is paid. Yes – you owe a debt! “The wages of sin is death…” Jesus’ mission, which began in Bethlehem, was to pay that debt on your behalf. When you accept what Jesus has done for you – taken your sin, punishment, and death upon himself and given you his righteousness and life, then you have made the exchange at the cross that will give you eternity as a gift. When you do this, you have had your spiritual birth and you are, as John says, “born again.” I say it again; Jesus stands before the inn of your heart today. Don’t hang out the “no vacancy” sign. Through the Holy Spirit, Jesus wants to be born again into your heart. Don’t trivialize Christmas with ribbons, wrappings, and hollow greetings. Don’t let the ties and the toys and the perfumes and other presents cause you to allow the gift of eternal life to elude you. The story of Christmas and its sequel brings to us the grandeur of everlasting life. 

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