Meditations on the Psalms #49

Day 49

Psalm 24: Read here –

Written at the time of the Ark of the Covenant being moved to Jerusalem (2Sam6), but looking beyond, to its ultimate significance; the ascension of the King of Glory, who was Christ.  V1 declares in a sweeping statement that Yahweh is the covenant God of Israel, and the whole earth! Paul quoted this line twice. The question of v3. Is answered in v4 – true religion is heart work. David understood this in terms of the Old Covenant where God promises to bless obedient Israel (Deut27-28). For those of us under the new covenant, we may despair at these words unless we see what Jesus has achieved on our behalf. We know absolute obedience is impossible in our present state. Only our Lord Jesus Christ could ascend the hill of the Lord because his hands were clean and his heart was pure. If we by faith in him are conformed to his image we shall enter too. This does not make the standard lower – the book of Romans is bookended by the phrase “The obedience of faith.”

The first section of this Psalm declared the greatness of God. The second section v3-5 spoke of how man can come into relationship with this great God. Now the third section, 7-10, welcomes God unto His people by the opening of the gates. We see in this a greater thing than the Ark entering Jerusalem. According to Jewish Liturgy, this Psalm was recited by the priests in worship on the first day of the week. Thus, these were the words being recited by the temple priests at the very time that Jesus mounted a donkey and ascended the final rocky approach to Jerusalem!

There are therefore several connections we can make to this psalm: 1) when the Ark came to Jerusalem (2Sam6). 2) when Jesus came to Jerusalem(Matt21:10). 3) when Jesus entered into heaven(Acts1:9-10, Eph1:20). 4) when an individual opens his heart to “the King of Glory” and lets Him in(Rev3:20).

The final picture is of Jesus Triumphal return to Heaven after the victory of the cross – a victory in which the faithful share. The glory of the crown is in the cross!

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