28 Dec Meditations on the Psalms #66
Day 66
Psalm 33: Read here – https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm%2033&version=NASB
Ps.32:11 ended by calling on the righteous to sing praises to God. This note is picked up on, seemingly as an elaboration, in this unattributed psalm. This psalm is a call to worship and praise the great God for what He is and what He does. It can be divided into 4 sections: The introduction v:1-3 contains 6 verbs of ‘active’ worship not just passive observation (Sing for Joy(rejoice), Praise, give thanks, sing praises to Him, Play skilfully, shout for joy.). Section 2 v4-9, God and creation: The word of the Lord and His work are closely related – as they should be in our thoughts. Section 3 Vs10-18, God and history. Section 4 V20-22, the conclusion.
Vs4-9 call attention to His power which should move us to humble awe(v8). In Vs10-19 attention is called to His wisdom, which should move us to trust. Vs10-15 speaks of the nations, 10-11 of nations that rebel. Vs16-19 speaks of souls, 12-15 of Nations that choose God.
This opening summons to praise takes us away from the solitary wrestling’s and communing’s of former psalms; it kindles in our souls the flame that burns in heaven of the seraphic love to God. Music, both vocal and instrumental is of eminent use in setting forth the praises of God; but there is no instrument or melody like that of well-tuned affections. The ‘new song’ of v3 is a fresh awareness of God’s grace. Thus the ‘chesed’ word is used 3 times v4 (His works on earth),18 (those who hope) & 22 – may His lovingkindness be upon us; which is the concluding prayer, requesting that His people be refreshed with His unfailing love – ‘chesed.’
C.f.v9 with luke:1-9. C.f.also v18 with v4-5.
After the false trust of Vs16-17, the Psalmist continues to think both of God’s hand in world-shaking events and His most minute care for the individual made in His image c.f. Matt6:26.
Having praised Him and considered God’s greatness from many angles, it was then appropriate to simply wait for the LORD; for His guidance, His word, His deliverance, looking to Him as our help and shield. May the ‘lovingkindness’ of the Lord be upon you.
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