Meditations on the Psalms #79

Day 79

Psalm 37 part 3

The whole duration of the world itself is but ‘a little while’ in the sight of those whose hope is full of immortality.

Notice as you read the repetition for emphasis of the phrase; The righteous shall inherit the land: v 9, 11, 22, 29, 34. This is a reference to the new heavens and the new earth of Isa 66:17; 2Pet 3:13. There are also 6 references to the wicked being cut off. This is the contrast throughout the psalm. Because whatever abundance the wicked have cannot last, the little that the righteous have is better v16. A God-trusting, righteous life is the best long-term investment strategy, the superannuation benefits are out of this world.

Notice the contrasts of v18-20. The apparent reward of the wicked is temporary and fleeting. The inheritance of the upright is eternal. All this is more reason to not worry or envy the wicked in their seeming (yet temporary) prosperity.

In v21 the wicked are takers, the righteous are givers, full of mercy. David described a third great benefit for the righteous person who trusts in Yahweh. Though they may at times fall(stumble) v24, they will not fall away – that is, shall not be utterly cast down. This is not because of their own internal strength or goodness, but because the Lord upholds them. For the LORD loves justice, and does not forsake His saints: Since God loves justice, so should His people. He is faithful to them and does not forsake them. 

David used a green tree as a picture of the wicked in their prosperity. Ps1 uses a flourishing tree as a picture of the righteous. Here it is used in reverse, the wicked being compared to a green tree that flourishes for a time but soon passes away and is seen no more.

There is a helpful thought at the end of this Psalm in v39-40. With David’s praise and encouragement of the righteous person, one might think those people are saved by their own righteousness. David reminds us that their salvation is from the LORD, and that He is their strength in the time of trouble.

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