28 Dec Meditations on the Psalms #93
Day 93
Psalm 42 Part 2
In seeking ‘the help of His countenance’(v5) the psalmist understood that the answers to his discouragement were not within himself, but in the living God. He didn’t look within; he looked up. When the sun rises, we are not without light even if it is behind the clouds; when God turns His countenance toward us, we cannot be without hope and salvation. When we are cast down (v6) we often stay away from God or hide the problem from Him – here the psalmist reports the condition of his soul to God. In v7-8 we have a powerful and poetic description of despair; one wave of sorrow rolls upon another in the dismal imagery of a waterfall that never stops, or relentless ocean waves.
But then he remembers the covenant name of God- Yahweh (v8). Used here with special strength, with great confidence that God will ‘command His lovingkindness’(Chesed) to be extended to the despairing one. As the gift bestowed is grace – free favour to the unworthy; so, the manner of bestowing it is sovereign. It is given by decree; it is a royal donation. And if He commands the blessing, who shall hinder its reception. The psalmist came to a place of greater confidence, secure in God’s goodness to him in the ‘daytime’ or at ‘night.’ In the more frightening night, he would have the gracious comfort of His song to be with him. First the billows, then the blessing. First mourning then morning.
There is a pleasant contradiction in the line of v9. The psalmist had the confidence to call God his Rock – his place of security, stability, and strength. At the same time, he could honestly bring his feelings to God and ask, “Why have You forgotten me?”
The more experienced Christian knows there is no contradiction. It was because he regarded God as his Rock that he could pour out his soul before Him so honestly. Amidst his trial, he could sense God sustaining him.
The pleasant words of v5 are repeated as both important and helpful (v11). The psalmist – and everyone buried under discouragement – need to keep their hope in God.
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