Minute Meditations of Hope and Encouragement #142

The reproachful, plaintive question “why” of suffering (Ps22:2) touches the deepest sense of God forsakenness in the face of suffering and persecution. Because of the vagueness of the plea being made by the first part of the Psalm 22 it has become a timeless testimony applicable to many situations of trouble. The complaints about the absence of God are punctuated by praise (v. 4), confidences (v. 5-6, 10-11) and petitions (v. 20-22). More than anything else it is the psalm of the cross. Beginning with Calvary’s cry v1 Calvary’s mockery and taunt v7 “all who see me mock. ..wag their heads… he committed his cause to the Lord; let him deliver him.” V14-15 Calvary’s thirst. Calvary’s nails v16 (1000yrs before the cross and 400yrs before crucifixion was invented.) V18 the dividing of the garments. And then in v22 the note changes to victory. Finishing in v31 with the words Jesus uttered at the end. IT IS FINISHED. If like the disciples you are in the darkness of that Friday remember Sunday is coming.

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