Minute Meditations of Hope and Encouragement #167

Part 2 of Psalm 107 begins in v33. Here the unknown poet moves from the 4 journeys to God’s providential government of the world. The theme is the same as part 1 but the form has changed. The poetic refrains with all its repetitions are gone and instead of pictures we have 2 stanzas of reflections. Instead of examples we have proofs. We need to remember before we apply the words to our own personal journey, that this is a psalm which has it historical roots in the return from the captivity in Babylon. These verses describe barrenness vs fruitfulness of the soil (33-38) and confusion vs priorities of the soul (39-42) ” He changes rivers into deserts, and springs of water into dry, thirsty land. He turns the fruitful land into salty wastelands, because of the wickedness of those who live there. But he also turns deserts into pools of water, the dry land into springs of water…” (the conclusion is a call to consider and apply)…”Those who are wise will take all this to heart; they will see in our history the faithful love of the Lord.” (Psalms 107:33)

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