Minute Meditations of Hope and Encouragement #173

One of the profoundest evidences for the divine origin of scripture is it’s incredible symmetry: 66 books written over 1500years by 40 authors in 3 different languages from 3 continents, yet it is all of one accord and no author disagrees on any point with another. The Bible moves in a beautiful golden circle to the point where the last 3 chapters of Revelation are doing the first 3 chapters of Genesis in reverse. Genesis gave us 1) creation and the tree if life 2) Eden and the first marriage 3) the entry of sin, satan, the fall and the curse. Revelation 20) describes the end of satan 21) the restored Eden the marriage of the bride 22) the New Heavens and Earth, the Tree of Life and the curse gone. When talking yesterday about the struggles early Christians endured it should be no surprise about the repeated emphasis that they placed on the Second Advent.

 From the inauguration of the church the promise of Christ’s return has, perhaps more than anything else, sustained the hearts of God’s faithful people, especially during trials. Whatever their frightful struggles, whatever their inconsolable sorrows and pain, they had the hope of Christ’s return and all the wonderful promises the Second Advent contains. The Bible teaches resurrection and the resurrected saints (the believers in Christ ) experience the completion of Christ’s work of restoration, reflecting the perfect image of God intended at creation. “Even so come Lord Jesus. ” Rev 22:20″

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