Minute Meditations of Hope and Encouragement #174

The Bible speaks confidently and repeatedly of the time this earth will be re-created and the ravages if sin erased forever. At last humanity will be restored to its original purpose and the world will again be at harmony. All that has perplexed us in the providences of God will in the world to come be made plain. In discussing the churches march through time, Revelation, the most amazing yet complex book in the Bible, brings the chronicle of sin to its climax. The golden circle is complete! Sin and its effects shall be no more. The creation story is an overlay of the book. Even the seven last plagues are running the days of creation backwards. This is the de-creation! But even more incredible is to notice how every one of the 7 last plagues was experienced by Jesus at the cross.

He was treated as a leper -outside the gate (#1 the sores ) the blood & water (#2 and 3) the darkened sun (#4 and 5) the spiritual struggle (#6) the crown of thorns -the symbol of the curse (#7) the earth quake and lightening (#7) The same pronouncement as at creation and our recreation “it is finished, ” is now pronounced at the end of all things.(Rev 16:17) All this tells us that if we do not accept the fact that Jesus has born our penalty then we have to bear our own punishment for sin, as do those who receive the plagues at this worlds consummation. We will be free at last to enjoy the presence of the father, the immensity of eternity and the re-created earth. “Even so come Lord Jesus.

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