09 Jan Minute Meditations of Hope and Encouragement #29
In the Psalm 46 prayer, God is a refuge and help, but the dominant theme in the last stanza (8-11) is that the LORD shall finally be supreme over all the nations.
Be still (v10), is not in the first-place comfort for the harassed and weary but a rebuke to a restless and turbulent world: Like Jesus calming the storm on Galilee. In its setting, ‘Be still and know that I am God’ is not advice to us to lead a contemplative life, however important that may be… It means rather, ‘Lay down your arms. Surrender, and acknowledge that I am the one and only victorious God.’ Jesus commanded nature, here he commands the Kings of the earth.
Written in the context of 2 Kings19 and the victory over the army of Sennacherib when 185,000 were slain. The message of this text is “stop striving.”(NASB) Salvation is not by works but by faith and trust in Yahweh. Whatever you are struggling with, the battle is His and the victory is won! If we trust, we will be still. Trust is tranquillity amidst the tumult of life. Trust in Jesus brings infinity to my side. Submission is repose. When we cease to kick against the thorns they cease to kick and wound us. Trust opens the heart like the window in the ark tossing on the black sea and fatal flood; waiting for the entrance of the dove with the olive branch in its mouth. Trust brings Christ to my side in His tenderness & greatness & sweetness. If I trust, conscience is quiet. If I trust, inward unrest is changed into tranquillity and mad passions are cast out from him who sits with a right mind at the feet of Jesus. If I trust, the gloom of the world is but a shadow. If we face the light the shadows fall behind us. The psalm ends with the confident chorus; “The Lord of Hosts is with us;(in all our battles) the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah”
God is enough for those who put their trust in Him. We need no more. This is worthy of reflection, Selah.
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