25 Aug My Favourite Stories #184
Alarmed but Resolved, Shocked but not Shaken. Part two.
Yesterday we were looking at the story of Jehoshaphat’s response to the invasion of a coalition of enemies. We finished when he was praying, and we noted how his prayer was argumentative! How it pleaded his case like an advocate in a court of law, appealing to the mercy of God. Oh, how good it would be if we learnt to pray like this, — in this earnest, forceful fashion!
Notice Jehoshaphat has already shifted from what is coming against him to the God of the Universe. He reminds God (and himself) of what He had already done. Read vs5-12 again. In v10 he reminds God, Moses was told not to attack the Edomites because they were the descendants of Esau and so now, they are coming for Judah.
Notice v12; if it is God who gave it, then it is God’s to protect it. You are His treasure, and He has sworn to protect you. If you do not know how to fight, if you don’t know how to fix it then know that God’s eyes are upon you, and he says if you change the focus, He will win the fight. Stop looking at how big the problem is and start praising Him for how great He is, because help is on the way.
V13. You won’t lose the battle unless you lose your focus! It is not about your power, it’s about your position. Everybody in Judah was getting ready to fight, and if they had fought, they would have lost! C.f. Eph 6:12 which tells us we are not fighting flesh and blood, but we try to. And the prophet said this is not about you so don’t be afraid v15 – don’t wrestle on the level of what you can see. This is NOT against flesh and blood – this is spiritual, so don’ be afraid of that vast army, the battle is not yours it is God’s. If it is too big it doesn’t belong to you. If it is too big you must give it back to God.
V:17 “Tomorrow march down against them and watch the Lord’s deliverance that he will bring this day.” Not by fighting but by focusing – v18-20 they worshipped and had the faith to face it. Let him fight your battles. V21 says they sung – they focused on the splendour of His holiness. Notice They used gratitude as a strategy in the middle of the battle.
The biggest battle YOU face is a life and death matter. God means to deliver you and it is not by your effort or might. Imagine the court of Solomon’s Temple where this scene began. You could have heard the sound even of the wind among the trees at the time, for they were as hushed and as quiet as you should be now. When you know the Lord means to deliver you, bow your head, and just give him the quiet, deep, solemn worship of your spirit.
They worshipped, but why did they do it? They were not delivered. No, but they were sure they were going to be delivered. Their enemies were not dead. No, they were all alive, but they were sure they would be dead, so they had worship, and their devotion rose from trustful and grateful hearts. For us this is the tension of the now and the not yet. Believe in the finality and outcome of your life. You have the ultimate deliverance in Christ.
The singers and worshippers led the army into this battle. It was clear that Judah expected a battle because they brought the army. Yet it was also clear that they expected a supernatural battle because they let the singers and worshippers go before the army.
Most importantly, we can praise God that Jesus Christ has fought the battle for our salvation and to rescue us from the judgment of God that we so rightly deserved. This makes us more than conquerors in Jesus Christ because He fights the battle and defeats our foe, and we share in the spoil (Romans 8:37).
Not by might or by fight but by surrender. We do not labour for our own salvation. The victory which belongs to us was fought by Christ on the cross. Stand still and see the salvation of our God. And worship!
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