Reflections on Revelation #192

Reflections on Revelation # 192. Understanding the Old Testament Sanctuary ceremony is fundamental to interpreting Revelation. – 

Day 192 

Any interpretation of the Book of Revelation that does not pay attention to the emphasis on the Old Testament Sanctuary service is totally missing the point. Below is a diagram from a seminar I ran some years ago outlining the various chapters of the book in relation to the Sanctuary. If you are unable to view the diagram, then go to my “Slide Share” site for Ross Chadwick and type in “The Sanctuary in the Book of Revelation. This diagram represents Revelation’s journey through the sanctuary:


The numbers on the diagram correspond to the sanctuary scenes as mentioned in a previous SMS; they are as follows: 

 (1) Rev 1:9-20   on Earth -The Court Yard and place of the Altar of Sacrifice 

    (2) Rev 4 & 5   Inauguration of the heavenly Sanctuary ministry – in Heaven 

        (3) Rev 8:2-6   Intercession for His people – in heaven 

            (4) Rev 11:19   Judgment of the earth   begins – in  Heaven 

        (5) Rev 15:5-8   Cessation of intercession – in Heaven 

    (6) Rev 19:1-10    Worship again in the heavenly sanctuary –in heaven 

(7) Rev 21:1-8 on Earth, God again dwells with His people. 

Notice there is a chiastic structure to this; 1 & 7 match, 2 & 6 match, 3 & 5 match, 4 is the apex and therefore the most important. The #4 you will notice is in the Most Holy Place of the Sanctuary where the High Priest alone went on the Day of Atonement.  

Numbers 1 -3 focus on the daily service (The Tamid.) 

Numbers 5-7 focus on the yearly service (Yom Kipper) 


The first half of Revelation (1-11) modelled on “Daily” service (Tamid) – Intercession. 

The second half of Revelation (12-22) modelled on the yearly service (Yom Kippur) -Judgment 

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