Reflections on Revelation #193

Reflections on Revelation Day 193. How the Jewish calendar overlays the book of Revelation.

Day 193

Revelation has followed a Daily/ yearly pattern of the Hebrew Sanctuary service. The first half of the book (Rev 1-11) is modelled on the ‘Daily” service (Tamid) which involved the morning and evening sacrifice signifying that salvation was always available. The theme was intercession. The second half (12-22) is modelled on the yearly service – the Day of Atonement, (Yom Kippur) and involves judgment. In addition to this, the Hebrew annual festival calendar is also overlaid over the book and contributes to the ‘bone’ structure. The following is a slide from a PPT presentation I made a few years ago. All 7 of the annual feasts (the yearly Sabbaths mentioned in Col 2:16-17 as shadows of the cross,) are referred to in Revelation. If you cannot view this slide, then refer to my slide share “The Sanctuary in Revelation.”

As already noted, each section of Revelation begins with a sanctuary scene. The 7 sanctuary scenes each are systematically attended, in order of the calendar, by one of the annual ceremonial Sabbaths. Rev 1:9-20 uses the Passover which included The Feast of Unleavened Bread and the Feast of First Fruits. Rev 4 & 5 refers to Pentecost, 8:2- 6 the Feast of Trumpets. 11:19 mentions the beginning of the Day of Atonement. 15:5-8 the progression of the Day of Atonement and 19:1-10 the closure of the Day of Atonement. Revelation 21:8 refers to the Feast of Tabernacles.

Every one of these was fulfilled by Jesus. For E.g. Jesus was born during the Feast of Tabernacles (easily provable from Luke’s Gospel,) and He died at the exact time (day and hour) of the sacrifice of the Passover lamb. He spent the Feast of Unleavened Bread in the tomb and rose from the dead on the Feast of First Fruits. The Holy Spirit was poured out on the Feast of Pentecost and His name was proclaimed. He fulfilled the Day of Atonement on the cross and will again Tabernacle with us on the new earth.

As you can see from the diagram this calendar can also be superimposed over the Christian age from the cross to the Second Advent.

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