Reflections on Revelation #204

Day 204

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and THE WORD OF THEIR TESTIMONY, and they did not love their lives unto death.” Rev 12:11.

Even a casual reading of the Book of Revelation reveals that the word ‘overcome’ is prominent. Jesus said that, “here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart because I have overcome the world.” John 16:30. His victory is our victory! Paul declared that, “It is through many tribulations that we must enter the kingdom of God” Acts 14:22. Victory is another prominent concept in Revelation. God’s people overcome the devil by the word of their testimony.

In Revelation the word “testimony” is usually associated with Jesus. The “testimony of Jesus” is a vision that John saw (Rev 1:2). It is the reason John is on Patmos in the first place (Rev 1:9). It is a possession of the end-time remnant (the last group before the second advent – Rev 12:17). It is the spirit that inspires prophecy (Rev 19:10). It is the motivating force that encourages the martyrs (Rev 20:4). Jesus offers His testimony to the churches (Rev 22:16).

But the word “testimony” can also be associated with believers. The souls under the altar are martyred because of the testimony they had (Rev 6:9). The two witnesses offer testimony before they die (Rev 11:7). And the over-comers become so, in part, through the word of their testimony (Rev 12:11). Feeble and defective though it may be, our witness is modelled on His witness. As soon as we know something about Jesus, we start to tell others what we know. Where ever we are, whatever we are doing.

God knows where He is going and where He wants us to go. We are wise to consult Him at every turn. We are wise to submit our plans to Him. But as we learn more about His will and His ways, we become His eyes and ears on earth. We have the incredible privilege of being His witnesses here. In so doing we become like Him.

Remember the Chiasm that began in Rev 11:19 with a view of the Ark in the Most Holy Place in heaven. The chiasm ends with those who give testimony to Jesus and what was in the Ark: “17 And the dragon was angry at the woman and declared war against the rest of her children—all who keep God’s commandments and maintain their testimony for Jesus. Rev 12:17 NLT

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