Reflections on Revelation #240

Day 240

A diagrammatic summary of the Biblical narrative. Two threads have woven their way through scripture since the fall. Salvation by Faith alone in the merits of the Lamb / Christ, or salvation by works – trusting in the lies perpetrated since Eden. In Revelation 14 we will see that these produce 2 harvests; the wheat and the wine. Those who are trusting in the merits of Christ’s atonement alone (Justification by faith) are those who are sealed. Those who are trusting in anything else but Christ, receive the mark of the beast. It’s the Abel and Cain story run throughout history, right until the last show down. Gen 4:15 – Cain received a mark. Ezekial 9:4 God’s faithful remnant were marked in the forehead before the destruction of Babylon. Exodus 31:13 God’s people received a sign/seal of the covenant.

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