24 Aug Reflections on Revelation #241
Day 241
“Then I looked, and behold, the Lamb was standing on Mount Zion, and with Him 144,000 who had His name and the name of His Father written on their foreheads. 2 And I heard a voice from heaven, like the sound of many waters and like the sound of loud thunder, and the voice which I heard was like the sound of harpists playing on their harps. 3 And they *sang [a]a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders; and no one was able to learn the song except the 144,000 who had been purchased from the earth.” Revelation 14:1-3 NASB
Revelation 13 had presented the trinity of evil made up of the dragon, sea beast and the land beast (false prophet) , as well as the steps they will take in deceiving the whole world. By contrast, in chapter 14, John shows God’s people, and the message they are to proclaim to the world in preparation for His return.
We have already discussed the 144,000 when we were in Rev 7. Now we have added insight. In view of the fact that everything around the number is symbolic, it would be hardly consistent to jump on the number and say it is literal. If we were to take it literally, we would have 144,000 male virgin Jews, from each of the 12 tribes of Israel. Obviously, this is not literal. In Rev 7 the seal is in the forehead, in Rev 14 His name is where the seal of God was placed. So the seal and the name correlate.
The chief characteristics of the 144,000 in this text are that they are a people who are in close contact with Jesus. They follow Him wherever He goes and have His name written on their foreheads, which means that they align their characters with the character of Jesus. They seek to become like Him in every way possible.
Do you know where you are going with your life? Or do you think it doesn’t matter where you are going; just trust God? Yes, we are certainly called upon to trust God at every step, but this does not preclude us from making careful and concrete plans about our future that God can then bless or redirect.
The song is new, not just because the experience is new, but because the people who sing it are “new.” They have known sorrow and pain. They have known abuse and rejection. They have struggled with physical, mental, and emotional handicaps. They have known the bitter consequences of sin. But God will make all things new, including His people. He is the Master Craftsman.
Our lives today may be rusted with selfishness and pride or corroded with anger and envy. We may feel bent up and dented. But the Master Craftsman already has us in His workroom. And when He’s done with us, we’ll be singing a new song!
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