Reflections on Revelation #244

Day 244

Jewish names always had a meaning that depicted some characteristic of the child or an event connected with his birth. We have stated this before, but it is time to remember it as it now shines light on Revelation 14:1-5 Rachel and Leah made prophetic statements for all 12 of Jacob’s sons. Here are the names of the tribes that make up the 144,000 in the order listed in Rev.7, (The order of names in Gen.35 and 49 is different and Dan the idolater is missing and replaced with Manasseh) together with the meaning of each name:

1. Judah   =   “I will praise the Lord”
2. Reuben   =   “He has looked on me”
3. Gad   =   “Granted good fortune”
4. Asher   =   “Happy am I”
5. Naphtali   =   “My wrestling”
6. Manasseh   =   “Making me to forget”
7. Simeon   =   “God hears me”
8. Levi   =   “Joined to me”
9. Issachar   =   “Purchased Me”
10. Zebulun   =   “Dwelling”
11. Joseph   =   “God will add to me”
12. Benjamin   =   “Son of His right hand”

Now notice what happens when the meaning of the names are combined, in the same order, into a paragraph: “I will praise the Lord for He has looked on me and granted good fortune. Happy am I because my wrestling God is making me to forget. God hears me and is joined to me. He has purchased me a dwelling. God will add to me as a Son of His right hand.” These names describe the story of the church’s struggle, redemption, victory, and marriage to the Lamb.

The key to understanding the 144,000 may be the number itself. In the Bible, the number 12 almost always represents leadership of the church. There were 12 patriarchs from Seth to Noah, then 12 from Shem to Jacob. Twelve spies led the way to the promised land, and there were 12 judges from Othniel to Samuel. Not to forget the 12 tribes of Israel.

There is an interesting story in the Gospels of how in one hour, Jesus healed a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years and then went immediately to resurrect a girl who was 12 years old (Mark5:25-42.) The first woman represents the OT church with a continual flow of sacrificial blood. The young girl represents the NT church that came to life after Christ’s resurrection. They both touched Him the same day and were made whole.

God’s church is also pictured in Rev 12:1, using the number 12; as is the New Jerusalem described using the number 12 (Rev 21:10,12,14.)
The number 12 appears time after time throughout Scripture. King David appointed 24 groups of 12 (a total of 288) to lead the music of praise in the temple (1Chronicles 25). Similarly, Rev4:4 describes two groups of 12 (a total of 24) elders who sit around the throne of God. This represents the 12 tribes of the OT and the 12 apostles of the NT.

“These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb wherever He goes.” A woman represents a church, there is one church that is described as a prostitute in Rev 13 and 17. She corrupts the truth and those who follow her! The 144,000 are not corrupted by her!

If we desire to be among those who follow the Lamb throughout eternity, we must first learn to follow Him here, now. Then together we can sing the song of Moses and the Lamb. The 144,000 are that group in the very end of time who stand with absolute fidelity for God and proclaim the final message to a doomed world – The Three Angels messages that now follow in Rev 14:6-20.

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