Reflections on Revelation #339

‘Day 339

The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come.” And let everyone who hears say, “Come.” And let everyone who is thirsty come. LET EVERYONE WHO WISHES TAKE THE WATER OF LIFE WITHOUT COST.” Rev.22:17.

John had been given the important task of revealing the person of Christ in His might, majesty, dominion, and glory. Through various sections of the Apocalypse, we have seen the prophetic panorama of Christian history. We have been into the heavenly realm, and we have been given a glimpse of the future conflict through which the church must ultimately pass. Finally, we have burst from the wilderness of sin to the eternal kingdom of the earth made new, where sin and death will be no more.

This final chapter talks of the certainty of Christ’s soon return. John proclaims the importance of the revelation of Jesus Christ, within this book and makes proclamations about coming judgment, future rewards, God’s offer of salvation, and the promise of forthcoming blessings for all who will COME. He also gives a serious warning to those that do not believe in the Son of God.

As we noted yesterday “Everyone,” is an all-inclusive pronoun that excludes no one who will accept the offer. Here in v17, we have a most beautiful invitation, to ALL people. Remember, the gospel was to be taken to every kindred nation tribe, and people (Rev.14:6). We read that the Spirit and the Bride (the church) invite everyone to ‘Come’. “COME,” they encourage those that are overwhelmed with fatigue and thirst. ‘Come’ is the call to those that are dead in their sins. “Come, and drink of the water of life”, is the beautiful invitation. Come they call! Drink, and to do so freely Come and drink without cost and without any reluctance or hesitation. Jesus made that invitation to the woman at the well remember (John.4).

The invitational is to, Come, and receive living water, which is life eternal. This is the most lavish of invitations and ‘whosoever will, may come!’(NKJV) As stated yesterday, the ‘C’ stands for children, ‘O’ stands for older people, ‘M’ stands for middle-aged people, and the ‘E’ stands for everyone. Your eternal destiny hangs on your acceptance of the invitation. Please come! I am extending the invitation to come. If there is something or someone holding you back, will you seriously allow that to robe you of eternal life? Just COME and let Jesus deal with whatever needs to be dealt with. God bless you!

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