Reflections on Revelation #342

‘Day 342

Providence has directed the movements of nations, and the tide of human impulse and influence until the world was ripe for the coming of the deliverer. As God had sought our first parents hiding in the Garden, the infinite had now stepped within the bounds of time seeking the lost sheep that was away from the 99; the one world that had strayed into the wilderness of sin and rebellion. He was “God with us,” Emmanuel. As I reflected on where we have been this year with the ‘Reflections,” I began to realize that the entire New Testament was written in a context of present or impending turmoil. In the first century, to be a Christian was to put your life in danger. The words of Paul and Peter and John were forged amidst trials both present and anticipated. Being a servant of the living God is not an immunity from tribulation. This is a planet in rebellion, this is the realm of sin, sickness and suffering and we bear our witness as actors in the “theatre of the universe” – put on display in the “arena” Paul tells us. How we live becomes a vindication of the character of God in what is the great controversy between Christ & satan. As I reflect on the writings from Isaiah, Jeremiah, David, or Moses, or any other author Old or New Testament, it becomes evident that we must bear our trials as those who have chosen to live by faith in a world that is passing away. “We are moving toward a better country,” is Paul’s summary of life in Hebrews 11 & 12. “Keep your eyes on Jesus who is the author and perfector of your faith.” Keep looking up not around. If you are going through hard times, then just keep going. We are wanderers on our way home. God bless your Christmas season. May the gift of heaven be your consolation. May the gift of eternal life in Christ compel your forward until that day when sin shall be no more.
Regards – Ross

Tomorrow I will have news of the next series of SMS devotionals beginning January 1st.

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